3D documentary of cinéma vérité (truthful cinema) type, integrating Oral History with psychological realism.

This project was designed with my friends who left their native country to live or study in Quebec. Through their openness and creativity, they share their country of origin through artifacts from Quebec that have the power to transport them to their homeland. Through them, these artifacts from Quebec are transformed into perceptual portals allowing us to travel to their country of origin.


• Olivia McGillchrist - Born in Jamaica, grew up in France

• Estela Sanchez - Born in El Salvador

• Tom Watson - Born in England

• Frederic Bambara - Born in Burkina Faso

• L.V. - Born in Mexico


For this project, I enjoyed exploring, through interviews with friends, something I would describe as a "script aesthetic" that emerged at the intersections of the testimonials of the participants. The way I organized the testimonies in time, but also in the 3D space, was sort of dictated by the overlapping themes and sensitivities that emerged from participants discovering of artifacts that transported them to their homeland. This synergy between the participants, the artifacts (portals) and myself conditioned the project architecture and the resulting "World building" or "Cosmogony making" attempt (ongoing process...). In this way, I feel that the artistic outcome of that project is a shared authority.


I had the pleasure to pronounce a conference on the creative process and present a screening of an ongoing version of the project at MUTEK IMG 2019, as part of the Composite # 20 forum. The project is still in development.




Documentaire 3D de type cinéma vérité, intégrant l’Histoire Orale au réalisme psychologique. Présentation d’une version en développement à MUTEK IMG 2019 dans le cadre du forum Composite #20.


Ce projet a été conçu avec mes amis qui ont quitté leur pays d'origine pour vivre ou étudier au Québec. Par leur ouverture d'esprit et leur créativité, ils partagent une facette de leur culture grâce à des artefacts du Québec qui ont le pouvoir de les transporter dans leur pays d'origine. A travers eux, ces artefacts du Québec sont transformés en portails perceptuels nous permettant de voyager dans leur pays d'origine.


• Olivia McGillchrist - Née en Jamaica, a grandi en France

• Estela Sanchez - Née au El Salvador

• Tom Watson - Né en Angleterre

• Frederic Bambara - Né au Burkina Faso

• L.V - Née au Mexique